Rising Silo Farm Brewery
The creation of Greg Zielske Jr. (brewer), Jess Zielske, Pat Bixler and the community members of Glade Road. We are part of a ground-up movement that innately fosters a sense of productivity, creativity and collaboration within a shared farm space.
Our purpose is to create fermented beverages from the best ingredients, overflowing with thought and authenticity in taste. We aim to add to an evolving space that community members near and far may gather to connect, dream, celebrate and relax. We believe in fresh food, true brews, and good people.
Well Inspired, Solar Fired!
We have a common love for water! Greg used to drive out to Spring Meadow Rd. up on Salt Pond Mt. for water and lakebed bottles to make home brew. Now we have access to precious ground water from a wonderful well at Glade Road that provides cold, delicious and consistent water.
Our brewery also utilizes green energy through the power of the sun for beer production! The Barn at Glade Road has 113 solar panels that provide 31 kW of solar energy, as well as a solar hot water system for efficient hot water. In total, the panels generate about 41,000 kWhs of energy per year, accounting for approximately 40% of the annual energy usage for the farm. Both systems are graciously provided and maintained by our friends at Baseline Solar! These systems allow us to brew more efficiently with a lighter conscience and cost of energy. Thanks again to Baseline Solar Solutions for their general expertise in “you name it” and of course a fulfilling day job!
Some Brewers Bio...
Originally from Maryland, Greg Zielske Jr. is an artist, workhorse, home brewer, with 9 years of brewing experience and plenty more to come.
His earliest exposure to fermentation was the great high school mead explosion of 2003 where long time friend and later college roommate Ben Kable blew the doors off his mothers cabinets with some gallon jugs of the good stuff. That wouldn’t be the last time that they saw a case of blasting beer grenades. There were countless college journeys with the most creative and ironically productive forms of procrastination before they knew how to direct energy efficiently. Once they started regularly home brewing together, it was utter oven destruction through several college apartments.
Still a home brewer many years later, Glade Farm was the best way to develop into the next level. With plenty of parched farmers around to empty the kegs. It was easy to churn through recipes and continue to give the stuff away, rather than having to make space by getting super fat or dumping beer! Our most constructive and critical feedback still comes from the farm crew, and we wouldn’t be making half the beers without their participation!
The Beer Silo Project...
There is a reason for the name Rising Silo, and there is a Beer Silo Project! Currently exploring the world of patents and we will be back soon to share our vision!